Evolution Martial Arts Class Timetable
You MUST contact us to book into a class before attending!
Please contact us on Facebook or email us on EvolutionMartialArts@outlook.com to book your space each week.
Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your first booked class.

Kids Kickboxing Classes
5-10 Year Olds
Monday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Please contact Evolution Martial Arts on Facebook or email EvolutionMartialArts@outlook.com to see availability of spaces.

Cadets Kickboxing Classes
11-15 Year Olds
Monday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Please contact Evolution Martial Arts on Facebook or email EvolutionMartialArts@outlook.com to see availability of spaces.

Adult and Junior Kickboxing Classes
15 Year Olds and Above
Monday -
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Please contact Evolution Martial Arts on Facebook or email EvolutionMartialArts@outlook.com to see availability of spaces.

Sparring Class
Tuesday -
5.30-6.30pm Kids (5 to 10 Year Olds)
6.30-7.30pm Cadets (11 to 15 Year Olds)
7.30-8.30pm Adult and Juniors (15 Year Olds and Above)
Please contact Evolution Martial Arts on Facebook or email EvolutionMartialArts@outlook.com to see availability of spaces. This is a class for more advanced students and attendance is at the Coach's discretion. Full protective equipment must be worn.

Circuit Fitness Training
Monday -
This class is suitable for all abilities whether you are looking to get fitter, stronger, loose some weight or have fun exercising then this is the class for you!
Please contact Evolution Martial Arts on Facebook or email EvolutionMartialArts@outlook.com to see availability of spaces.

All Age Classes
Point Fighting Class -
Wednesday: 7.30-8.30pm
LC and Kick Light Class -
Thursday: 7.30-8.30pm
Please contact Evolution Martial Arts on Facebook or email EvolutionMartialArts@outlook.com to see availability of spaces. These are classes for more advanced students and attendance is at the Coach's discretion. Full protective equipment must be worn.